The most common question we get from our customers getting started in the VoIP Business is how to deal with all the taxes and regulatory obstacles. They are fair questions – this stuff is confusing! Unfortunately, we’re not all that great at those kinds of questions. We know a bit about it, but we’re not experts.
This guide is to give you our rolodex. These are the people who we trust to give us guidance on all of the Legal, Regulatory and Tax matters VoIP Providers have to work through.
Words of Encouragement
We want to make sure we give you some words of encouragement. If you have the technical prowess to build a VoIP Business, you absolutely have the intelligence to handle the taxes and regulatory headaches. We know that all of this stuff is complicated, and you have questions. The most important piece of guidance we can offer is this: Do not listen to people on the internet. Seriously, full stop. Don’t do it. Stop asking questions about this stuff on forums, on twitter, etc. Instead, get advice from people who make a living because they know all of this stuff, and who will sign their own name on your documents. Get advice from people who put some skin in the game with you, and who stand to gain when their advice makes you successful. Trolls on the internet who tell you it’s too hard, and too complicated are just people who couldn’t figure it out themselves; why would you take advice from people like that?
Our Rolodex
Joe Bowser - Attorney
Our primary go-to person is our FCC Attorney Joe Bowser. Joe is incredibly adept with interpreting FCC regulations, is very fair with his time, and is reasonably priced. Joe handles all of our formal correspondence with the FCC, and we would not be here today without his guidance. His information is here: https://rothjackson.com/joseph-p-bowser/
We recommend you start by calling Joe and asking all of your general questions. He's a genius and will give you a good lay of the land.
RTC - Tax Compliance and CPAs
The second group we trust and recommend is RTC. RTC handles all of our tax collection, remittance and answers all of our questions what we tax, where we tax it, how we tax it, and why. There is no taxation question they don’t know the answer to. In fact, RTC is so highly regarded that they are used by a lot of our competitors and even upstream providers. RTC can be found here: https://rtc-associates.com/
Once you start billing your customers, give RTC a call. They're going to be helpful in getting your business all setup for the taxes.
Inteserra - Wizards of Regulation
The third group we strongly recommend is Inteserra. Inteserra is who we rely on for all of our other telecom related questions or concerns. The consultants there are absolutely brilliant and know everything we’ve ever thrown at them. You can learn more about them here: https://www.inteserra.com/
For any question Joe or RTC cannot answer - Inteserra can. They've been around for 30 years, and have seen it all.