Skyetel Support Response Times


The purpose of this guide is to give our customers guidance on what our SLAs are for responding to tickets. We are very proud of our excellent reputation for customer service, and commitment to transparency. We update this guide annually. Please keep in mind that for all tickets that are not Emergency, these support response times are business hours, not calendar hours. 

The Skyetel Support department is open Monday - Friday from 8am to 5pm PST. Any non-emergency tickets will be addressed on the next business day if we receive it after hours. 

Ticket Priorities

Skyetel does not offer a Support SLA, however these should serve as a guideline at what our internal goals are. We usually comfortably beat these expectations, but this is the standards we hold ourselves to. 

Priority Expected Response Time
Lowest 6 - 48 business hours
Low 4 - 12 business hours
Normal 3 - 8 business hours
High 2 - 6 business hours
Urgent 1 - 3 business hours
Emergency         ASAP, see below

Skyetel's support department does not work outside of its regular business hours of 8am - 5pm PST, and all SLAs are in Business hours (this means 12 business hours = 1.5 business days). The only exception to this is for Emergency tickets; those are addressed as soon as they are received. 

2019 Ticket SLA Averages

Standard Support (Non Emergency)

Description Performance
Average First Response Time         36 minutes
Average Resolution Time 4 hours
Satisfaction 97%

Emergency Technical Support Tickets

Description Performance
Average First Response Time         18 minutes
Average Resolution Time 1.6 hours
Satisfaction 100%


Phone Calls

Calling our support department will always have your ticket marked as "Lowest" Priority, and are usually the last tickets we review after we have addressed all other tickets. Please make sure you create a detailed ticket prior to calling into our support department to have your ticket addressed sooner. 

Emergency Tickets

Emergency tickets are tickets that receive our immediate and after-hours attention. When you create an Emergency Ticket, our system will send an SMS to every member of our support team (and Skyetel's Ownership), a red alert message in our Slack, and flag the ticket with a different color inside of Zendesk. Almost everyone in the company becomes aware of the creation of one of these tickets and we take them very very seriously.

When to create an Emergency Ticket

Emergency Tickets should be created when you are having an issue that is impacting multiple Phone Numbers and/or Endpoints that you reasonably believe is caused by something wrong in our network. Issues related to only one phone number, or only one endpoint, often are not related to our network, and do not require our emergency attention. 

Emergency Ticket Descriptions

When you submit an Emergency Ticket, please put as much detail as possible in the description. Creating an Emergency Ticket with a brief/incomplete description will slow our resolution time and ultimately hurt you (sad)

We want to know what is wrong as quickly as possible so we can try and resolve it as fast as possible. Additionally, because the description is viewed by everyone instantly in our Slack Channel and SMSs, you literally will have everyone in the company's eyes on your situation.

Emergency Ticket Fee

Emergency tickets are intended only for extreme critical emergencies where you have multiple endpoints or phone number failures. Please be advised that we will charge you an Emergency Ticket Fee of $250 when you create an emergency ticket. 

This fee is not refundable. 

API & Developer Support

The Skyetel API is intended for advanced administrators who either have development experience themselves, or have access to others who have their own development experience. Because of this, our support department is only able to provide very limited support with API and development questions. Our development team is not customer facing and is not able to provide any additional support beyond what limited support our regular support department can offer. 

Help Us Help You

The purpose for this article is to be as transparent as possible with our customers about the best ways to receive support. We love our customers, and we want to make sure your needs are met and that you have all of the resources you need from us to be successful. 

Bad Habits to Avoid

When requesting support, here are a few bad habits to avoid. These all result in your ticket being discarded or sent to the bottom of our queue:

  1. Please do not directly e-mail or Emails sent to these addresses without a pre-existing open ticket usually are discarded. This is because we have no way of authenticating your support request, and fraudulent emails are too easy to create (and ZenDesk does not do a good job of helping us see that fraudulent emails are indeed fraudulent)
  2. Please do not reply to Port In tickets with Technical questions/concerns. Our porting team cannot assign a ticket created in their department to the support department. Additionally, the porting department does not have the same internal response time obligations that our support department does.
  3. Please do not email a support representative directly. For our customers security, support representatives are instructed to delete those tickets outright and not respond to them. 
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