FusionPBX Outbound Routes

Navigate to Dialplan → Outbound Routes


Click the + Sign to add a new outbound route:


Add the Route Information

Gateway: Skyetel
Dialplan Expression: 


Note: Some end users have reported a bug in FusionPBX Dialplan entering the above suggestion, and have suggested the below. You may try either suggestion, or an implementation of your own.


Prefix: Blank
Limit: Blank
Account Code: Blank
Order: Default (usually 100)
Enabled: True
Description: Skyetel


Update The Context

Now that you have created the outbound calling gateways, you'll need to update the context and domain to be global. This way all of your domains will use the same ruleset. To do that, click on the newly created gateways:


and update the Context and Domain:


Thats it. Now you should be able to dial out through Skyetel!


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