IP Authentication is the heart and soul of the Skyetel platform. This is where you enable your systems to be able to place and receive calls through our network. There are two types of items to be aware of:
- IPs - the term we use to describe any system that can place and receive calls on our network. This is usually a PBX or a SIP router.
- IP Group - the term we use to describe a group of IPs (duh ). IP groups allow you to have multiple priorities or routing methods (Round Robin, Priority, Etc) for a particular number
You can use these items to create an impressive amount of options for your routing and resiliency needs.
Create an IP Group
An individual IP cannot exist without a corresponding IP group (this is because you route phone numbers to IP groups instead of individual IPs). Therefore, when you create a new IP group, you will need to provide information about both the IP Group and the individual IP:
First, you'll need to give it a Name (as shown above). This is the name of the IP Group, and not the name for the individual IP.
Second, you'll need to specify the Priority for the first IP. (Please note - the higher the number, the higher the priority in route. We recommend 100 as your first IP's Priority)
Third, you'll need to specify the IP Address of the first IP. This is the actual public IP of your system.
Fourth, specify the Port that your system is listening on. Typically this is 5060, but some systems (like Freeswitch) prefer other ports (like 5080)
Fifth, specify the Protocol. UDP is the default that all SIP IPs speak, but TCP is recommended if your IP supports it.
Last, give your IP a Description. This can be anything that will help you identify how this IP is being configured.
Once you have added these items, click add. You will then see your new IP Group in the list.
Modify an IP Group
Once you have an IP Group created, you can edit it anytime by clicking on the small blue gear icon:
This will open a new dialogue that gives you more details about your individual IPs:
You can modify any of the settings of the IP by clicking its corresponding blue gear (just like the one for the IP Group section). Additionally, you can click Add to add additional IP to your IP Group:
From here, click the little check-mark to save your new IP.
Important Things to Know
There are no Channel Limits
Once your system is added to our systems, you can route a near-unlimited number of calls. You are only billed for your usage.
Changes are instant
Once you Add/Remove an IP or IP Group to our network, the changes will complete network-wide within 60 seconds.
Descriptions and Names are searchable
You can search through all of your IPs and IP Groups using information you entered into those fields.
Specifying a custom port only works with inbound calls; outbound calls need to be sent to us on port 5060.
When you specify a custom port on our network, that is the port we will use to deliver SIP to your IP. When you are delivering SIP to our routers, we accept only 5060.