Tenant Portal



The Skyetel Tenant Portal is designed to allow for you to share your Skyetel assets with your end users. From this portal, end users can access their phone numbers, view the enabled features for those phone numbers (Like Spam Filtering and e911), download their call recordings, faxes and transcriptions. We have envisioned it to be a one stop shop for all the things that end users need to interact with.

Getting Started 

Configuring Branding & White Labeling

In the settings menu, you will find a new “Whitelabel” tab where you can enter in all of your information:


From these settings, our Tenant Portal will generate a completely branded portal that uses your own assets and font styles. Please make sure you fill this information out completely so that we have as much information as possible to generate a pretty interface

DNS Settings

In order to configure the Tenant Portal to use your URL, you will need to create the following DNS record:

Record Type

Record Destination 





We recommend creating the DNS setting prior to configuring it in the Skyetel portal as this will expedite the SSL Certificate generation.

It may take up to 4 hours for all the DNS settings, SSL Certificate and Tenant Portal provisioning settings to become effective.


Service Unavailable

If you load the Tenant Portal and see this message:


This means that there is a misconfiguration in your DNS whitelabel settings. Please double check to make sure that your DNS records match the “Tenant Portal URL” setting exactly and that you have cleared out all your cache. Changes to the Tenant Portal’s DNS settings require a new SSL certificate and will create a delay in the length of time it takes for the portal to become available.

Tenant Users

After you have established your branding settings, you will need to create a user. This can be done from the “Users” subsection under the Tenants menu:


From here, you will create the user by providing their email address, assigning them a password, associating them with one of your tenants, and then configuring which pages are viewable by your user:


Portal Pages

The Tenant Portal Users can be configured to only view certain pages offered by the Tenant Portal:


When you do this, the menu items will be missing to the user on their next login. This allows you to do things like hide invoices for some tenant users, while showing other features. 

Fax Permissions


Fax Permissions allows you to specify which faxes a Tenant User is allowed to view. When you specify phone numbers in this field, only faxes to or from those number will be viewable. 

Tenant Users & Your Privacy

Many of our customers have asked us if we ever directly contact these users - the answer is absolutely not. There is no circumstance under which we will ever directly contact your users without your knowledge and consent. This information is kept strictly confidential and is not shared to any third parties other than the authentication system.

Tenant UI


The Tenant Dashboard has 6 blocks that change color based upon what settings are enabled and which ones are disabled.







Voicemail Transcription

A voicemail has been transcribed within the current month using the Tenant’s Voicemail Transcription credentials

Dashboard block will be Green, and will count how many voicemails have been transcribed

Spam Prevention

All numbers associated with the Tenant have Spam Filtering enabled

Dashboard block will be Green and will count how many numbers have been checked


All numbers associated with the Tenant have SMS + MMS enabled

Dashboard block will be Green and will count how many numbers have sent/received an SMS or MMS

Caller ID

All numbers associated with the Tenant have Caller ID enabled

Dashboard block will be Green and will count how many Caller IDs have been checked


One or more numbers associated with the Tenant have e911 enabled

Dashboard block will be Green


One or more numbers associated with the Tenant have Fax enabled

Dashboard block will be Green

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