Because of our partnership with FusionPBX, most recent installations will automatically send us the domain as the X-Tenant. So if you are using FusionPBX, and are already separating your customers by domain, you may not need to change anything. Just make sure your Account.ID matches the domain in FusionPBX. You can check to make sure this is configured by looking at the Outbound Dialplan for Skyetel - you should see "sip_h_X-Tenant=${domain_name}" configured. It will look similar to this:
If you do not see this in your dialplan, you can add it as follows:
Tag |
Type |
Data |
Break |
Inline |
Group |
Order |
action |
set |
sip_h_X-Tenant=${domain_name} |
0 |
25* |
*The Order you specify needs to make sure that it will land one step before "call_direction=outbound" in the dialplan.
Alternatively, you may contact FusionPBX support and ask them to update your PBX to a current version. Then all you will need to do is remove and re-add the Skyetel Gateways to your system.