We thank Jared Busch from Bundy and Associates for writing this guide.
Create the IP Group
- Log in and expand IP Authentication.
- Click on IP Groups.
- Click on +Add IP Group.
Enter your PBX information, this creates an IP Group and the first IP inside the group.
- Name is the name you will see for the IP group.
- IP Address is the public IP address of your PBX.
- Description is the description of the actual IP.
- Click Add to finish.
Now you want to click on IP Health to see your new group and set some alerts for it.
- Note, it will show your system down. This is because you have not yet set anything up in FreePBX to listen for it. One step at a time.
Click on Set under Fraud Alerts
- Enter a value that is equal to the maximum number of simultaneous call you expect to have.
- For example, if you used to have six lines from AT&T or Spectrum, then put 6 here to start.
- Read what is highlighted!! It is not going to be Skyetel's fault if you have a bad actor on your system. It is your responsibility to keep an eye on your system.
- Click Save
Now click on the toggle to enable uptime alerts.
- This is useful as Skyetel will then send you an email and text message (if you have a number in your profile) when two or more regions cannot reach your IP.
- It will use the Description from the IP as set above. So make sure you populate that to something you understand.
Finally click on View more to see some advanced features.
- For now, the only thing to do is click in the circle in front of Network QOS. This will have Skyetel's system collect metrics from the "Hello, are you alive?" packets it sends to your IP.
- There is a second section on this page for SNMP Metrics, but that is an advanced topic that will have its own guide.